Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 2, 48-52


R. Kh. Musina,#, A. R. Galievaa,##, and T. G. Kudbanova,###

a Kazan Federal University, ul. Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan, 420111 Russia

##e-mail: abdullina_albina94@mail.ru

###e-mail: ferrum828@gmail.com

The article discusses the natural-technogenic conditions of one of the industrial sites at the modern oil refining and petrochemical enterprise in the Republic of Tatarstan. Its functioning led to a rise in the groundwater level and to a change in the water quality indicators. Currently, over most of the territory, the depth of ground- water is less than 3 m, with water salinity exceeding 1 g/l and its hardness up to 18 mmol/l. A groundwater level rise is associated with intensifying their infiltration recharge due to the territory levelling and the unsatisfactory condition of surface drainage systems. A quantitative assessment of this recharge is given on the basis of processing data of operational observations over a network of observation wells and carrying out balance calculations for two isolated blocks in the central part of the industrial site. The change in the quality of groundwater is primarily associated with an increase in their carbon dioxide aggressiveness and consequently a more intensive leaching of the mineral matrix. Recommendations for lowering the groundwater level are provided.

Keywords: industrial site, groundwater, flooding, infiltration nutrition, balance sheet calculations, pollution

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780320010135


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