Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 2, P. 86-95


E.V. Polyakova*, Yu.G.Kutinov, A.L.Mineev, Z.B.Chistova


Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, 163000, Arkhangelsk, nab. Severnoi Dviny 23, Arkhangel'sk, 163000 Russia.
*E-mail: lenpo26@yandex.ru

This article shows the relationship of pollution sources with the natural zones of material drift, transit and accumulation identified on the basis of a digital elevation model as a result of geomorphometric analysis using the territory of the Arkhangelsk region as an example. As a result of data comparison, a spatial coincidence of the sources of anthropogenic environmental impact with the natural accumulation zone identified on the basis of the calculation of geomorphometric relief parameters (Slope, LS factor, Terrain Ruggedness Index and Topographic Wetness Index) was found. The confinement of the zones of forestry impact to the natural zones of demolition and, to a greater extent, the transit of material distinguished according to the same parameters is also shown. To identify local areas of sediment accumulation for the purpose of sampling for soil pollution assessment monitoring, it is more appropriate to use the calculation of surface curvatures. The geomorphometric approach, unlike the one used by the Russian Hydrometeorological Service (according to an approximately uniform network), allows one to estimate the areas of pollutant accumulation at different levels of detail – from regional to local. It is in these areas that regular ground monitoring is necessary, and not the distribution of observation points evenly over the entire area.


Keywords: digital elevation model, geomorphometric parameters, pollution source, Arkhangelsk region 


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