Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 2, P. 67-74


V. P. Shesterkin

Institute of water and ecological problems, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,

ul. Dikopol'tseva, 56, Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia

E-mail: shesterkin@ivep.as.khb.ru

The paper considers the impact of the tailing dam destruction in the upper reaches of the Yizimi River (the Songhua River basin, China) on the quality of water in the Amurskaya channel and the Amur River above Khabarovsk in April 2020.The maximum concentrations of Na+, SO42- and Cl-, nitrate nitrogen, and oil products were found in the left-bank part of the Amurskaya channel at the highest water level. At that time, there were no significant differences in the distribution of solute content in the water of the Amur River along its width; whereas the Amur River (according to the long-term research results) shows an uneven distribution of solutes due to different chemical composition and water flow rates in its main tributaries. The water inflow from the tailing dump caused the predominance of the Sungari River water in the Amur runoff, as a result of which the concentrations of Na, SO42- Cl-, nitrate nitrogen, and petroleum products increased in the left-bank part of the Amurskaya channel as compared to February and March 2020.  A gradual decrease in the content of dissolved substances is noted upon the low water level, this decrease being greater in the left-bank part of the Amurskaya channel and in the right-bank part of the Amur River than in other areas. It is assumed that in April 2020 the bulk of dissolved substances entered the Amur River with the Sungari River water.


Keywords: destruction of the tailing pond, the Amur River, Amurskaya stream, water quality, major ions, nitrate nitrogen, petroleum products


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