Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 2, P. 75-85


V. Yu. Shigaev1,*, D. A. Shelepov1,**,  A. E. Khokhlov1,***,  I. A.Merenov2,****

1 Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University,
ul. Astrakhanskaya, 83, Saratov, 410012 Russia
2Vavilov Saratov State Agricultural University, Teatral'naya pl., 1, Saratov, 410012 Russia

*Email: vital1969_08@mail.ru,
****Email: ivan_merenov@mail.ru

Large-capacity phosphogypsum dumps stored in the open air exert an extremely negative impact on ecosystems and human health. Therefore, their disposal or reuse is an important and urgent task. Currently, there are many studies (both Russian and foreign) dedicated to phosphogypsum processing by a direct current (DC) electric field, but many issues related to such process are not covered widely enough. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to study the electrokinetic and electrochemical processes developing in phosphogypsum after its exposure to a DC electric field. The paper discusses various options of initial sample saturation with distilled water and their subsequent electrical processing in a geoelectrochemical device developed at the Department of Geophysics, Chernyshevsky Saratov State University (Russian Federation patent no. 47365,  August 27, 2005). The device consists of a cylindrical plastic case with access holes for monitoring physical and chemical properties. Inert graphite electrodes are embedded at the ends of the housing and are supplied with a direct electric current. We determined the sequence and volume of liquids released at the cathode and anode depending on the direct current transmission time, redox reactions occurring at the electrodes, mineralization of the electrolyte that fills the pores, as well as the method of dissolving the samples. Abnormally high contents of Ce (2.5 times greater than its initial concentration), Nd (9.2 times), Y (5.3 times), and Fe (6.6 times) were recorded in the cathode section of the device. Mineral and petrographic, chemical, X-ray and other studies also have recorded changes in the composition and structure of the samples under study. It is important to take these data into account when choosing the method of electrical treatment used to extract various metals from waste. Electrical surface processes (electric osmosis, electrophoresis etc.) in the studied samples are proposed to be used in solving a number of applied geoecological problems, particularly, the selection of coagulating substances introduced as additives for obtaining phosphogypsum-based composite materials.

Keywords: phosphogypsum, constant electric current, current transmission time, electrokinetic and electrochemical phenomena, changes in the structure and composition of samples



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