Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 3, P. 45-54


A. A. Malovichkoa,#, M. V. Kolomietsa,##, and A. I. Ruzaykinb,###

a Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Lenina 189, Obninsk, Kaluga oblast, 249035 Russia
b Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, B. Gruzinskaya ul. 10, Moscow, 123995 Russia
##E-mail: kolmar@gsras.ru
###E-mail: a.ruzaykin@yandex.ru

The paper provides the results on seismicity monitoring in the main seismic regions of Russia, i.e., the Cau­casus, East European platform, Arctic, Altai and Sayan Mountains, Cis- and TransBaikalia, Priamur'e and Primor'e; Sakhalin Island, Kuril-Okhotsk region; Yakutia, the North-East region of Russia, Chukotka, Ka­mchatka and Komandor Islands in 2019. Catalogs of the most significant seismic events are given for each considered region with parameters of the hypocenters and magnitudes obtained from processing of instru­mental observations. Manifestation of macroseismic effect from the majority of the notable earthquakes (with I >2.5 points on MSK-6 4 scale), which occurred in the territory of Russia, is analyzed. This work is in­tended for seismologists, geophysicists, geologists and specialists in eathquake-resistive construction.

Keywords: seismic station, seismological monitoring, magnitudes, macroseismic effect

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920030066


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