Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 3, P. 3-15


V. I. Osipov*,1, I. V. Galitskaya 1, V. G. Zaikanov 1

1 Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per., 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia

E-mail: osipov@geoenv.ru


The paper discusses a widely used practice in Russia of municipal waste (MSW) storage in dumps on open sites and in landscape depressions, which leads to ecological disturbance, environment pollution and worsening human life quality. The uncontrolled waste management and lacking scientific approach to this kind of economic activity is proved to be the main reason for this ongoing disturbance. The technogenic and nature-like technology is proposed for creating safe landfills, based on the biological decomposition with the use of a drainage system and utilization of waste gases and filtration effluents. The role of geological conditions in the creation of safe landfills is shown. It is noted that the landfill technology may form the basis of MSW management in Russia. It will ensure the MSW management system safety and reduce significantly expenses for waste management.

Keywords: sorting, processing and disposal of waste, recyclable and non-recyclable wastes, waste disposal technologies: incineration, pyrolysis, plasma treatment; landfill technology



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