Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 3, P. 82-96


V. G. Zaikanov*, 1, T. B. Minakova 1, E. V. Buldakova 1

1 Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulansky per., 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia

*E-mail: v.zaikanov@mail.ru


The article substantiates the importance of assessing the urban geoenvironmental safety to ensure its overall environmental safety. Geoenvironmental safety is assessed through the calculation of the geoenvironmental hazard as its inverse value. The term “geoenvironmental processes” is proposed. An algorithm for conducting such an assessment has been developed. A direct relationship has been established between the structure of expected industrial damages from the negative impact of the manifestation of dangerous geoenvironmental processes and the areas of their distribution, as well as the industrial specialization of cities. The possibility of assessing the damage from hazardous geoenvironmental processes empirically based on their relationship has been proved.

Keywords: geoenvironmental processes, geoenvironmental hazard / safety, hazard assessment criterion, specific and total damages, geoenvironmental hazard indicator



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