Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 4, P. 86-96
V. N. Burovaa,# and E. A. Karfidovaa,##
aSergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per. 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
#E-mail: valentina_burova@mail.ru,
##E-mail: e.karfidova@yandex.ru
The main methods for assessing the vulnerability of engineering structures (buildings) in urbanized areas, in-cluding those affected by hazardous natural processes, are considered and analyzed. New engineering and economic approaches are proposed for assessing the vulnerability of buildings, based on the use of the In-spection Regulations and monitoring of their technical condition. The relative costs of carrying out the in-spection work of the assessed object are taken as the main indicator of the building’s vulnerability. Growth graphs of the formation of a cumulative costs for carrying out inspection work for brick and panel five-story houses were built for seven different scenarios, differing in the category of technical condition of the building and the categories of complexity of the building, complexity of inspection works and complexity of engineer-ing-geological conditions. Proceeding from the assumption that a relative vulnerability is proportional to the total costs of conducting all inspection works, the relative vulnerability of buildings is calculated for any pe-riod of operation. The developed approaches to the vulnerability assessment are universal, operational and available.
Key words: vulnerability, categories of the technical condition of building, category of building’s complexity, cate-gory of work complexity, inspection and survey work, total costs, life cycle
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