Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 4, P. 40-52


О.G. Popovaa,*, V.M. Makeeva, M.G. Popovb,**, F.O. Arakelyanc,***, and V.V. Nedyad’koc

aSergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per. 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
bGeological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory 1, Moscow, 119991 Russia cAtomseismoizyskaniya Ltd., ul. Skakovaya 32-2, Moscow, 125040 Russia

#E-mail: oksana-p@list.ru
##E-mail: mgpopov@list.ru
###E-mail: asi_47@mail.ru

For the purpose of providing seismic and ecological safety of the territories of especially dangerous objects, the authors have identified and evaluated the geodynamic indices of the anisotropy gand the stress state S, the increased values of which are associated with the emergence of local seismic zones. The assessment of these indicators is based on the results of seismo-ecological monitoring, arranged for selecting the most se-cure sites for the construction of nuclear power plants. The field data obtained during the monitoring were analyzed according to the method of studying the medium’s geodynamics by the energy characteristics of PS waves from distant earthquakes developed at the IEG RAS (Moscow). A comparative analysis of the geodynamic indicators for the regions of three nuclear power plants located in the different regions of the East European platform showed that geodynamic indicators may increase and decrease depending on the impact of distant catastrophic earthquakes on the geological environment and the neotectonic (natural) activity in the region. The degree of neotectonic activity depends on the distance of the considered region from the sources of tectonic forces and stresses, i.e., mountain-folded regions (orogenes) and intraplatform geodynamic foci.

The specific geological and deep structure of the earth’s crust, represented by aulacogenes and fault zones, stratification and its vertical divisibility, also create additional conditions for increasing geodynamic indicators and, accordingly, the appearance of areas of increased seismic hazard in the study area.

Key words: geodynamics, indices of anisotropy and stress, seismicity, seismic and ecological monitoring


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