Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 6-11


A. L. Suzdaleva#
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
Yaroslavskoye shosse, 26, Moscow, 129337 Russia
#E-mail: SuzdalevaAL@yandex.ru

The main threat to sustainable development at the stage of technogenic transformation of the biosphere is a complex of global crisis processes and the contradictions of the national ecological interests of different states. These phenomena are due to the uneven distribution and scarcity of food and fresh water resources, as well as the overpopulation of some regions. Attempts to resolve global crises through the provision of humanitarian assistance give only short-term results. Geoecological studies of technogenic transformation of the biosphere can change the situation. The results of these works will allow developing methods of formation of large-scale controlled natural-technical systems. Such actions are already being implemented by some countries in solving the problem of water scarcity through moving river flows. However, this activity may cause contradictions in the field of national interests of various states and regions of the world. In order to consolidate efforts, it is necessary to create a special area of scientific and practical activity, i.e., ecological globalistics.

Keywords: sustainable development, ecological globalistics, national ecological interests, global crisis, biotechnosphere

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920010196


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