Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 47-51


P. M. Zhuka,# and A. A. Lavrusevicha,##
a National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,
Yaroslavskoe shosse 26, Moscow, 129337 Russia
#E-mail: peter_05@bk.ru
##E-mail: lavrusevich@yandex.ru

Ecological capacity is one of the main characteristics of the territories. Methodological approaches to its definition are very diverse. An approach is proposed related to the use of ecological capacity as the indicator to assessing products according to their life cycle in related geoecological systems. The calculation of biological productivity is carried out taking into account the available types of vegetation. For comparison, the ecological capacity index is used, which is in relation to the actual indicator of generated biomass. The development of estimated indicators should include the introduction of bioindication parameters in geoecological systems throughout the product life cycle.

Keywords: ecological capacity, life cycle, natural and technological systems

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920010238


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