Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 1, P. 69-78


 Karpenko F. S.1,*, Kutergin V.N.1, Frolov S.I.1,
Sobin R.V.1

1 Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
E-mail: kafs08@bk.ru

Changes in soil strength under the influence of temperature affect soil stability and safety of construction and operation of engineering structures. The need to adapt to such changes and reduce their adverse impact requires the development of a method for reliable and objective prediction of changes in the strength properties of soils at different temperatures. The problem of changing the strength properties of clay soils under temperature influence are considered from the viewpoint of physical and chemical mechanics. It is shown that the reaction of coherent dispersed soils to temperature influence is determined by the properties of hydrate films of soil-composing mineral particles. During temperature fluctuations, water of hydrate films may lose its connection with particles and pass to free water. Changing thickness of hydrate films changes their splitting pressure, disturbing the balance of particle interaction forces, which affects the soil strength as a whole.

Key words: clay soils, structural contacts, α- and β-films, disjoining pressure of hydrate films, general effective stresses, actual effective stresses


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