Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 1, P. 59-68


I.N. Zaikanova1,*

1 Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
*E-mail:  izaikanova@yandex.ru

Solving waste management problems on a global scale is currently a part of an ever-modernizing sustainable development project. For the step-by-step implementation of the waste management concept, EU legislative acts adopt requirements for various aspects of waste management and create conditions for their achievement.The waste hierarchy gives priority to waste prevention, followed by preparation for reuse, recycling, re-extraction, and finally disposal as the least desirable option. Technical, organizational and financial concepts for sustainable waste and resource management are addressed through national and international expert discussions, as well as through development cooperation projects. The indicators of the EU countries and the indicators of the Russian Federation both in terms of the nature of the waste and its quantity per capita are not comparable. The EU’s prospects for reducing municipal waste disposal by 50% by 2020 are not yet achievable. This level of recycling has been achieved by only six countries according to the most demanding calculation method. Several countries will have to speed up their efforts to achieve this goal. As a result of biological decomposition of plant residues, agricultural waste, decrepit paper, cardboard, textiles out of natural materials, valuable fertilizer is obtained. Plasma treatment is a modern technology for the disposal of what cannot be used as recyclables. The 2030Wach program and its indicators in Germany are perceived as a country’s sustainability strategy. The use of waste, called the “secondary strategy,” is recognized as the most optimal. Until now, Germany has been among the countries with a high rate of generated waste per person. According to the Polish law, a form of ensuring the safety of waste is their storage, which in turn is defined as a set of processes of their biological, chemical or physical conversion. This level of recycling has already been achieved by six countries according to the most demanding calculation method. The article contains examples of the rational organization of waste storage and disposal in some EU countries. A comprehensive analysis of the competitiveness among highly developed countries in terms of waste disposal offers allowed us to establish that in order to limit the costs of disposal and increase the possibilities of recycling waste, a high level of investment in science and innovative projects is very important.

Key words: municipal solid waste, sustainable development, reuse, recycling, storage, waste management


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