Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 2, P. 57-66


A.I. Gavrishin

South Russian State Polytechnic University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) by M.I. Platov  

The aim of the research is to characterize the effectiveness of the two most popular methods of assessing the degree of water pollution, to identify their pros and cons in environmental tasks. The comparison is made for two ways: "A comprehensive assessment of surface water pollution by hydrochemical indicators" and "Assessment of the quality of water chemistry by the total pollution indicator". The effectiveness of the methods is shown on the example of the chemical composition of the waters of river Kadamovka (Eastern Donbass) above, in the place and below the discharge of mine waters m. Glubokala on the 21st limited indicator. According to the first method regarding the requirements for MAC for fisheries water management, the river water is classified as extremely dirty. High levels of contamination are typical for the main number of ingredients, especially SO4, Al, Li, MN, Se, Fe, Be, Cu; According to the second method of drinking water requirements, the situation is assessed from an environmental point of view as a "crisis" and the requirements for fisheries water are considered a "disaster". The most intense pollution was recorded by MN, Al, Fe, Be, Li, Se, M, SO4. Comparison of water quality by the total pollution indicator on the requirements of Russia, the United States and the European Union showed close results. "The method of comprehensive assessment of surface water pollution by hydrochemical indicators" allows effective assessment of surface water pollution. This method requires a series of monitoring observations over time, assesses water pollution only by MAC to fisheries water use, relatively difficult to implement. The method "Assessment of the quality of the chemical composition of water by the total pollution indicator" makes it possible to assess the quality of the chemical composition of any types of water (atmospheric, surface, underground, man-made), relative to any Russian and foreign regulatory indicators (drinking, fisheries, requirements of WHO, USA, EU, etc.), on the set of any components.  It is easy to implement and interpret the results. The paper made recommendations on the need to improve treatment technologies and carry out rehabilitation measures.

Keywords: water pollution, total pollution indicator, fisheries and drinking water, Eastern Donbass. 


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