Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 2, P. 88-96


N.I. Shestakov 1,*, K.L. Chertes 2,**

1National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,
Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow, 129337 Russia

2Samara State Technical University, ul. Molodogvardeyskaya, 244, Samara, 443100 Russia

*E-mail: SHestakovNI@mgsu.ru
** E-mail: chertes2007@yandex.ru

The choice of engineering structures used in road construction requires not only a feasibility study, but it also must contain environmental parameters about the impact on the environment. The article considers the fundamental possibility of using the hierarchy analysis method to evaluate the numerical parameter of biopositivity when choosing the type of road pavement construction. As an example for the calculation, the variants of structures with or without reinforcing meshes in various geological conditions are presented. The method of pair comparison is used to calculate the parameters of biopositivity according to the selected criteria with the establishment of the weight of each of them. According to the obtained values, a graphical interpretation of the results obtained and a summary table of estimated indicators are presented. Using the presented methodology, it becomes possible to evaluate the biopositivity indicator in a comprehensive manner and to use it when justifying the choice of road construction complex structures.

Keywords: biopositivity, criteria, hierarchy analysis method, global impact, highways, pavement construction, reinforcing mesh



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