Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 3, P. 24-37


S. G. Mironyuk*,1, O. A. Khlebnikova**,1

1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geological Faculty,
Leninskie gory 1, Moscow, 119991 Russia

*E-mail: mironyuksg@gmail.com 
**E-mail: oxana.khlebnikova@gmail.com


Signs of seawater intrusion into aquifers at the Black Sea coast are considered. Review of publications showed that this dangerous hydrogeological process develops under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, being almost global due to rising sea level and growing urbanization of coastal areas. Local geomorphological, geological and hydrological factors that have a decisive influence on the development of intrusion are indicated. The analysis of publications allowed us to outline the most vulnerable seashore areas as regards the intrusion development. Hazardous consequences of sea-water intrusion into land aquifers (intensification of corrosion, deterioration of groundwater quality, degradation of coastal ecosystems, etc.) are described. The data illustrating the signs and scale of sea water intrusion into certain coastal areas of the Black Sea coast are presented. The main methods to study the hydrogeological situation at the survey sites were drillings, analysis of the hydrogeological section, laboratory studies of groundwater composition, shallow electrical survey methods (vertical electrical sounding, electro-tomography, symmetrical electro-profiling), etc. The main feature indicating the intrusion of seawater into the coastal aquifers was taken to be the salinity level of groundwater and water first from the surface of the pressure aquifers. The greatest extent of seawater intrusion was recorded in the areas composed in the upper part of the geological section by dispersed highly permeable sand, gravel and pebble deposits or highly fractured rocks.


Keywords: the Black Sea, pipeline abutment, beach zone, seawater intrusion, corrosion, aquifer, electrotomography


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