Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 4, P. 12-24


V. E. Glotova,#,  L. P. Glotovaa,## and M. V. Ushakova,###

aShilo North-Eastern Complex Research Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Portovaya ul. 16, Magadan, 685000 Russia
##E-mail: glotova@neisri.ru
###E-mail: mvilorich@narod.ru

The differences in the river flow behavior during the open channel period were revealed by the examples of the Kolyma River’ left and right tributaries in their upper f lows (the Upper Kolyma River). The left tributaries drain mainly the Inyali-Debinsky synclinorium. They are characterized by the smallest average runoff of 7.05 l/(s km2) in the summer- autumn low-water season and by 1.13 l/(s km2) in October. The right tributaries drain mainly Ayan-Yuryakhsky anticlinorium. The average rate of the smallest runoff module for watercours- es in the studied catchment area is equal to 8.12 and 2.73 l/(s km2) for the summer-autumn low-water season and October, respectively. During rain floods, the left tributaries’ maximal runoff module is 79–137 l/(s km2), and the right ones – 96–921 l/(s km2). The high water flow layers are 21–36 and 22–39 mm, respectively. The results are explained by the fact that the filtration properties, capacitive indices and water loss of loose and fractured formations in the zone of active water exchange are related to the features of the geological his- tory of drained blocks. They are always smaller on blocks of the Earth’s crust like the Inyal-Debinsky synclinorium. Their geological history is characterized by the accumulation of deep-sea sediments in the troughs on a refined continental or oceanic crust with subsequent collisions. For the modern active water exchange, the Verkhoyansk passive continental margins are more favorable, the Omulevsky terrain is a fragment of the passive continental slope, the Viliginsky terrain is a fragment of the backwater basin. The rivers, their drainage – Kulu, Tuskan, Bohapcha, Vyliga, are characterized by increased runoff rates both in the summer- autumn period and at the beginning of the winter season of the year. A complex of further studies on the study of river drainage linked to the features of terrains’ tectonics is indicated.

Key words: the Upper Kolyma River, mountain areas, permafrost zone, runoff, the active water exchange, terrains, runoff modulus, low water, high water


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