Geoekologiya, 2019, Vol. 4, P. 61-67


© 2019 A. I. Gavrishin
Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute),
ul. Prosveshchenia, 132, Novocherkassk, 346428 Russia

The regularities in forming chemical composition of mine and surface waters in the Eastern Donbass were studied using the techniques of statistical estimation of component concentration distributions, the methods of assessing environment pollution, and the digital computer technology on multidimensional classification observations AGAT-2. The article shows that the mine water in the Eastern Donbass is a powerful source of polluting environment, causing serious ecological damage to the territory. Coal mine water contain a lot of dissolved substances up to 413 thousand t/year, among which macro components and various metals form­ing a significant part. The mean concentrations of most components in mine water hundreds times exceed the maximum allowable concentrations (MACs), and they exceed the maximum concentrations in thou­sands times. The surface water quality was analyzed in the region proceeding from the results of testing small rivers and streams. Using classification technologies, five genetic variants of surface waters were identified by the macrocomponents. The first option characterizes the initial phase of surface water formation outside the pollution impact. Other options reflect the growing degree of water pollution in the region. The distribution of genetic water variants was shown throughout the region. The calculation of surface water pollution by 20 components revealed the cumulative indicator of pollution to be equal to 108 corresponding to the emer­gency crisis category. About 65% components exceed MAC. Surface water classes uniform in the content of 15 metals were distinguished using the digital computer technology AGAT-2. A cumulative indicator of pollution varies from 27 to 65, which corresponds to a tense and emergency crisis situations. Therefore, mine waters pollute significantly the surface waters in the Eastern Donbass. Conclusion is made about the need for rehabilitation measures in order to improve the quality of surface waters in the region.

Keywords: mining and surface water, chemical composition, pollution indicators, the Eastern Donbass.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869-78092019461-67


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