Geoekologiya, 2019, Vol. 4, P. 68-78


© 2019 V. M. Makeev1,*, T. V. Sukhanova2, N. V. Makarova2,**, I. V. Korobova1

1Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Ulanskii per., 13,
str. 2, Moscow, 101000, Russia
2Moscow State University, Geological Faculty,
Leninskie Gory,
1, Moscow, 119991, Russia

In connection with the construction of industrial centers on the territory of the Noginsko-Klyazminsky district, we conducted out material-structural, structural-geomorphological (neotectonic) and geodynamic studies. Studies have revealed a weak protection of this territory from irrational use. The buried limestone surface is characterized by excessive fissuring and powerful weathering, and limestone is cavernous, which indicates the development of leaching processes. Thin and predominantly sandy composition of Quaternary deposits, overlying bedrock, is permeable to atmospheric and surface sed­iments, including technologically polluted runoff. Closed depressions, funnels, subsidence, flooding, etc. were found in the relief. Changes in the terrain under construction adversely affect the geological en­vironment, since this leads to a point-like pollution of groundwater near to the surface, and the barrage effect - to disruption of the groundwater flow. These features of the geological structure are unfavorable for placement on the territory of Noginsk and, in the valley of the river Vassa industrial centers.

Keywords: environmental geology, moraine and fluvioglacial deposits, neotectonic structures, suffu­sion-karst processes, groundwater, zones of excessive fissuring, industrial centers (technoparks).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869-78092019468-78


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