Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 4, P. 68-81


E. V. Borodina1,*, and U. O. Borodina1,**

1Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pr. Akademika Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia

*E-mail: borev@igm.nsc.ru
**E-mail: borodinauo@igm.nsc.ru

The aim of the work was to study the composition, physicochemical characteristics of the surface water of the upper Katun River and to make environmental assessment of the protected area of Lake Talmen. The results of ICP-MS determination of 50 elements in the water of small rivers, lakes and meltwater of glaciers and snowfields are presented. Surface waters in the study area are ultra-fresh, mostly slightly alkaline, less often neutral and alkaline. The waters of rivers and lakes belong to the calcium group. Potassium prevails significantly in the chemical composition of snowfields and thawed glacial waters.The concentrations of heavy elements in rivers and lakes do not exceed the MPC in drinking water, but the content of Al and Cu exceeds the MPC in the water of fishery reservoirs. In the composition of snow and firn, high concentrations of Al, P, K, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb were found that exceed the MPC in fishery reservoirs, and the contents of Al, K, Fe, Ni, Pb exceed the MPC in drinking water. Statistically significant (r > 0.7) correlation dependences were established for almost all studied elements, which may indicate a relationship between the composition of water bodies and a single natural source. Al, Rb (in water samples of 2018), Br, Rb, Pb (in water samples of 2017) and Ag (in samples of snow and firn) do not have a correlation with the content of other elements. Thus, a high content of Cu (in samples of 2018 and 2017), Al (in samples of 2017) in the water of rivers and lakes, as well as Al, P, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb in snow and firn, are not associated with anthropogenic impact on the territory. Chemical weathering and leaching of soluble salts from the surface layer of soils and rocks are the main source of elements entering the surface waters of the upper Katun River. The presence of high concentrations of toxic metals (Al, Ni, Pb) in glaciers and snowfields is associated with the accumulation of weathering products in the thickness of snow and ice for a long time.

Key words: ICP-MS, heavy metals, Lake Talmen, Katun River, Mountain Altai


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