Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 4, P. 75-80


Vasil'ev D. YU.1,2,3, Voronova YU. G.1, Novikov S.V.1, Semenov V.A.3, Chibilev A.A.2 


1 Ufa State Aviation Techological University, Ufa, Russia
2 Institute of Steppe, the Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia
3 A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

The methodological aspects of analyzing the impact of hazardous natural phenomena, including ranking and determination of general characteristics, are considered in this Bashkiria case study. Using the statistical data on natural hazards and the number of deaths and economic damage, the reduced loss index for 2012–2020 was calculated. Using the reduced catastrophe loss index RCLI, comparative assessments of natural hazards were made for the territory of Bashkiria. Proceeding from the operational data by the The State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Emergency Situations, the territory of the Republic was mapped and the areas exposed to the greatest impact of hazardous natural disasters were identified. An increase in the amount of natural hazards and material damage has been noted in recent years in the Bashkiria territory.  

Key words: natural disasters, social and economic impacts, temperature extremes, tornadoes, hurricanes, river floods, forest fires, reduced catastrophe loss index, bashkiria


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