Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 4, P. 81-91


Zaikanova I.N.1 

1Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS (IEG RAS) Ulansky per. 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000

In the scientific publications, there are simultaneously two areas of knowledge, i.e., two sciences, bearing one and the same name “geoecology”. The thesis of the illegality of reducing some sciences to others or their opposition is the starting point of scientific criterion. The simultaneous existence of two sciences with the same name contradicts logic, in particular, the Law of Identity by Aristotle. Geographers attribute the appearance of the term “geoecology” to Karl Troll, a geographer whose main scientific works are devoted to the study of relief, aerial geographic exploration and landscape-ecological decoding of aerial photographs. The name “geoecology” in the geological sense is contained in the name of Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS, several geological departments at higher school in the Russian Federation, as well as the journal “Geoecology”. Non critical attitude towards the adopted principle of cognition, when different experts examine different objects and solve different problems that cannot be brought together, under one, common name, contradicts the foundations of scientific logic. The unsolved problem of two “geoecologies” caused the appearance of numerous articles and books that exclude the unity of opinion and internal logic. The author of this article, using the methods of epistemology, shows that all the criteria of the logic of science, i.e., the object, the subject and the problem, are different in these two geoecologies. The names for these sciences are offered that do not contradict the essence of both geology and geography.  

Key words: geoecology, epistemology, logic of science, object, subject, problems 


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