Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 5, P. 78-88


V. N. Burova 1,*

1 Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geosciences Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per. 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000 Ruussia
*E-mail:  valentina_burova@mail.ru 

Methodological approaches to assessing the risk for urbanized territories have been developed proceeding from the risk-formation models. They are caused by the interaction of natural and technogenic factors. Riskformation models correspond to the final zoning taxon by these factors. The final zoning taxon has an alphanumeric code. Each factor is assigned a corresponding score based on expert evaluation. The integral score of the risk model results from the sum of scores of natural and technogenic factors and the sum of scores of all possible relationships between factors. Ranking by risk categories is based on matrices of possible combinations between natural and man-made factors and all their possible interactions. Seven main models of risk formation and 4 risk categories have been distinguished with the corresponding scores: low – less than 20, medium – 20–53, high – 54–85; and very high - more than 85. Based on the proposed risk assessment approaches, the Pokrovskoe–Streshnevo site within the North-Western administrative district of Moscow was mapped by risk categories. The results obtained can be recommended to city authorities for the development of programs for safe land-use and (or) development and reconstruction of the research area.

Key words: urbanized area, natural and technogenic factors, hazard recipients, risk models, risk assessment


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