Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 6, P. 31-40


O. G. Savicheva,#, V. A. L’gotinb,##, and Yu. A. Moiseevaa,###

a National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, pr.Lenina 30, Tomsk, 634050 Russia b Siberian Regional Center for State Geological Monitoring”, Gidrospetzgeologiya branch, ul. Nikitina 99, Tomsk, 634061 Russia

# E-mail: OSavichev@mail.ru
## E-mail: mail@sfo.geomonitoring.ru
### E-mail: jamoiseeva@mail.ru

Groundwater regime is a key factor to solving different scientific and engineering problems ranging from the long-term prediction of climate and environmental changes to supplying population with drinking water. This determines the continuing relevance for the study of hydrological and hydrogeological conditions, including in the taiga zone of Western Siberia, which is one of the most important oil and gas producing regions of Eurasia. The results obtained by the group of authors (Savichev, Makushin, L’gotin, Shiklomanov et al.), attested to 0.21 m average increase in groundwater levels from Quaternary and Paleogene aquifers in the Tomsk region from the mid –1960s to 2005 without any evident anthropogenic influence. Therefore, the purpose of this article is: 1) supplementing conclusions for a longer series of groundwater-level observations (up to 2015) and the assessment of current hydrogeodynamic regime; 2) identifying causes of the observed changes. As a result of the analysis of long-term hydrogeological data in the territory of the Tomsk region (Western Siberia), it was revealed that after 1994 (compared to the period from the second half of the 1960s to 1994), the groundwater levels of Quaternary and Paleogene aquifers increased by 0.31 m on average. A mathematical model of the yearly distribution of the runoff in the Tym, Ket, Vasyugan, and Chaya rivers (tributaries of the Ob’ River) was developed. It was shown that after 1994 there was a decrease in the iciness of soils in the end of winter, an increase in their humidity in April-May, and an increasing water yield from the snow and rain in April. Under the conditions of excessive moisture, this leads to an outstripping increase in catchments of storage relative to the growth of groundwater runoff and, as a result, to the groundwater level rise.

Keywords: groundwater level rise, upper hydrodynamic zone, water balance, climate change, Western Siberia, Tomsk region


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