Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 6, P. 87-96


Buldakova E.V.1, Zaikanov V.G.1, Minakova T.B.1,

Prokopenko YU. P.1

1Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS (IEG RAS) Ulansky per. 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000

The article discusses a methodological approach to determining the Geoenvironmental Safety Index (GSI) tested at a representative sampling of Russian cities. The analysis of existing approaches and methods for determining integral environmental indices both in Russia and abroad showed the absence of geoenvironmental factors expressed in specific indicators. The parameters were substantiated that reflect urban geoenvironmental status based on the of geoenvironmental hazard assessment for 100 Russian cities tested, and the quantitative values of GSI were calculated. A comparison of environmental indices currently used in the Russian information and analytical systems pointed to significant differences in the list of environmental parameters accounted for, in particular, the practical absence of geoenvironmental indicators or characteristics and the disparity of the scores obtained in these systems for the same cities. To solve the problems in sustainable urban development more efficiently, it is necessary to integrate IGB data into existing information and analytical systems for assessing the ecological state of Russian cities.

Key words: geoenvironmental hazard/safety, index of geoenvironmental safety, geoenvironmental safety indicator, russian cities


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