Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 6, P. 37-45


Trifonova T.A.1,2, Kurbatov YU. N.2, Kurochkin I.N.2, Savelev O.V.2, Selivanov O.G.2, Martsev A.A.2

1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2 Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia


  The level of snow cover toxicity in the roadside territories of the streets with the most intense traffic in Vladimir was assessed. A number of general chemical indicators of meltwater obtained from the snow of roadside areas have been studied and possible pollutants that can affect the toxicity of snow cover have been identified. The highest content of heavy metals was found in the solid sediment obtained from meltwater filtration. High concentrations were detected for Cu and Ni depending on the sampling points, and the concentrations above the established norms were revealed for As and Co. The content of heavy metals is insignificant in the meltwater filtrate, which is due to the slightly alkaline reaction of the meltwater in the roadside territories. Increased salinity was found in the meltwater, which is primarily due to the use of a sand-salt mixture based on sodium chloride as an anti-icing agent. Determination of the content of petroleum products in meltwater revealed their high concentrations in all streets studied as compared with the control. The assessment of the total integral toxicity of filtered melt water samples by biotesting proved all of them to be toxic. To reduce the anthropogenic load on soils in roadside territories, the snow from these territories should be removed to special landfills and cleaned before dumping into surface reservoirs to the established standards.

Key words: snow cover, roadside area, heavy metals, deicing materials, sodium chloride, petroleum products, integral toxicity, environmental hazard


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